Excel File Guide

Below is an example spreadsheet outlining all the fields and what they’re used for.

Client Import Field Guide.xlsx

Data Fields

Here’s an embedded version of the above Excel file

Field Displayed as Explanation Example Type Notes
uuid N/A The clients unique identifier in Plannr 4308c6fe-513d-4334-a7ec-9cc0e082d5e4 String (Text) If you are importing new clients for the first time you must leave this field blank. If you are updating clients that already exist in the system then the system needs this field to identify the client you are updating.
status_uuid N/A The unique identifier of the client’s status 4308c6fe-513d-4334-a7ec-9cc0e082d5e4 String (Text)
status_name Current status The status of the client New Selection Status are created in Settings. A list of statuses must have been created if you wish to import statuses otherwise clients can be imported without their statuses.
created_at N/A ignore
updated_at N/A ignore
type Client Type The type of client individual Selection (see below) Only visible on the front end when creating a new client, client type cannot be changed after client has been created
name N/A ignore Ignore Ignore This field is automatically generated by the report, the fields used to import names are "first_name","last_name" and "entity_name"
email Email Address The clients email address [email protected] String (Text)
assigned_advisor Assigned Advisor The clients assigned adviser Dominic Calvert Selection This has to be one of the employees created in the system.
assigned_adviser_uuid N/A The unique identifier of the clients assigned adviser 4308c6fe-513d-4334-a7ec-9cc0e082d5e4 String (Text) This has to be belong to one of the employees created in the system.
administrator Assigned Administrator The clients assigned administrator Dominic Calvert Selection This has to be one of the employees created in the system.
administrator_uuid N/A The unique identifier of the clients assigned administrator 4308c6fe-513d-4334-a7ec-9cc0e082d5e4 String (Text) This has to be belong to one of the employees created in the system.
title Title The clients title Mr Selection (see below) Only to be used when importing individuals
first_name First name The clients first name Dominic String (Text) Only to be used when importing individuals
last_name Last name The clients last name Calvert String (Text) Only to be used when importing individuals
maiden_name Maiden Name (if applicable) The clients maiden name Thompson String (Text) Only to be used when importing individuals
ni_number National Insurance Number The clients national insurance number DF256351 String (Text) This field is specifically formatted to only accept national insurance numbers in the standard format of two letters followed by six numbers
gender Select Gender The clients gender male Selection (see below)
date_of_birth Date of Birth The clients date of birth 25/06/1992 Date/Time
nickname Known as (nickname) The clients preferred name Dom String (Text)
target_retirement_age Desired retirement age The age the client would ideally like to retire at 60 Number
middle_name Middle names The clients middle name George String (Text) Only to be used when importing individuals
smoker_status Smoker status The clients smoker status non-smoker Selection (see below)
cigarettes_daily How many cigarettes do you smoke a day? If the client is a smoker how many ciggarettes do they smoke a day 5 Number
smoker_since When did you start smoking When the client started smoking 15/12/1995 Date/Time
residential_status Residential Status Any notes on the residential status of the client Client spends no more than 3 months in any one country for tax reasons String (Text)
country_of_residence Country of Residency The clients usual country of residence United Kingdom Selection (see below)
marital_status Marital status The clients marital status Single Selection (see below)
is_vulnerable Vulnerable If the client is vulnerable no Selection (see below)
is_uk_resident UK Resident for Tax? Whether the client is a UK Resident for tax purposes Yes Boolean(Yes/No)
is_uk_domicile UK Domicile? Whether the client is a UK Domicile No Boolean(Yes/No)
expected_retirement_age Expected retirement age The age the client is expected to retire 60 Number
state_retirement_age State retiremnet age The clients state retirement age 68 Number
nationalities Select Nationality Any nationalites the client holds Britsh,French Selection (see below) Multiple options can be added for Nationality seperated by commas
vulnerability_details Vulnerability details Any notes regarding the clients vulnerability Client recently widowed String (Text)
procedure_adaptation Procedure adaptation Whether the client needs specific accesibility adaptions Yes Boolean(Yes/No)
adaption_details_notes ???????????????????? Notes on any specific accesibility adaptions the client might need Client is deaf do not contact by telephone String (Text)
client_preferences Client Preferences Notes on special preferences the client has Client hates phone calls please only email String (Text)
current_state_of_health How would you consider your current health? The clients current state of health good Selection (see below)
state_of_health_explanation Would you ike to provide any additional information on your current state of health Notes on the clients current state of health No major issues appendix removed when child String (Text)
long_term_care_needed Do you anticipate needing long term care Whether the client anticipates needing long term care Yes Boolean(Yes/No)
long_term_care_notes Would you like to provide any additional information on your long term care concerns? Any additional information the client would like to provide on their long term care needs Client expecting to need care around age 80 String (Text)
has_will Do you have a will in place Whether the client have a will in place Yes Boolean(Yes/No)
will_notes Would you like to provide any additional information on your will? Any additional information the client would like to provide on their will arrangements Will held with Sampson and Sons Attorneys at Law String (Text)
will_last_reviewed When was the last time you reviewed your will? The date at which the clients will was last reviews 10/11/2020 Date/Time
has_power_of_attorney Do you have a Power Of Attorney (POA)? Whether client has power of attorney in place Yes Boolean(Yes/No)
power_of_attorney_notes Would you like to provide any additional information on your POA? Any additional information the client would like to provide on their POA Clients son has POA String (Text)
first_contact_date First Contact Date The date that the client was first contacted 12/12/1999 Date/Time
units_of_alcohol_weekly How many units of alcohol do you consume per week? How many units of alcohol the clients usually drinks in a week 3 Number
height What is your height (in cm)? The clients height in CM 150 Number
weight What is your weight (in kg)? The clients weight in KG 75 Number
health_notes Any additional information on your health that we should be aware of? Any additional information the client would like to provide on their health Client has a family history of heat disease String (Text)
has_iht_planning Have you already taken any steps towards Inheritance Tax (IHT) planning? Whether the client has taken any steps towards inheritance tax planning Yes Boolean(Yes/No)
iht_planning_notes Would you like to provide any additional information on your IHT planning? Any additional information the client would like to provide on their IHT plans Children already own 66.6% of property portfolio String (Text)
has_gifted_family Have you gifted to any family members already? Whether the client has already gifted any family member Yes Boolean(Yes/No)
gift_notes Would you like to provide any additional information on the gifts you've provided? Any additional information the client would like to provide on any gifts they have made to their family members Client has given each of their granchildren a £20,000 lump sum to put towards a house deposit. String (Text)
is_anticipating_inheritance Are you anticipating or expecting an inheritance? Whether the client is anticipating or expecting an inheritance Yes Boolean(Yes/No)
anticipating_inheritance_notes Would you like to provide any additional information on the expected inheritance? Any additional information the client would like to provide on any inheritance they might be expecting Client is expecting to inherit the remaining portion of their parents property portfolio with their siblings. String (Text)
is_will_accurate Is your will up to date and accurate? Whether the clients will is up to date and accurate Yes Boolean(Yes/No)
will_executors Who are the Executors? Who are the executors of the clients will Sampson & Sons Attorneys at Law String (Text)
will_location Where is the Will stored? The location where the will is stored Sampson & Sons Attorneys at Law with copies in the safe at main residence. String (Text)
will_bequests_detail Details of any Bequests? Information on any bequests left in the will £10,000 to be left to Battersea Dogs Home String (Text)
is_poa_registered_epa_or_lpa Is the Power of Attorney Registered as a EPA or LPA? Is the clients power of attorney registered as Lasting Power of Attorney or Enduring Power of Attorney EPA Selection
are_poa_appointed_for_health_or_wealth Are the Attorney's appointed for Health, Wealth or Both? Are the clients power of attorney appointed for health, wealth or both wealth Selection
poa_attorney_appointed_at When were the Attorney's appointed? When was the cients power of attorney appointed 15/12/1999 Date/Time
are_poa_documents_registered Are the documents registered? Are the clients power of attorney documents registerd Yes Boolean(Yes/No)
is_in_receipt_of_your_state_pension Are you in receipt of your State Pension? Is the client in receipt of their state pension No Boolean(Yes/No)
has_obtained_a_forecast Have you recently obtained a forecast? Has the client recently received a forecast for their state pension Yes Boolean(Yes/No)
date_of_forecast What is the date of the obtained forecast? What is the date of the forecast obtained 15/08/2022 Date/Time
projected_state_pension What is your projected State Pension? What is the clients predicted state pension 20000 Number
years_of_national_insurance_contributions How many years have you made National Insurance Contributions? How many years of national insurance contributions does the client have? 23 Number
pension_notes Notes? Any additional information the client would like to provide on their state pension Client lived abroad for a number of years therefore contirbution years are lower than expected String (Text)
phone Telephone Number: The clients phone number 7684736268 Number
is_prospect Is this a prospect or client? Whether the client is a prospect or not Yes Boolean(Yes/No) The choice between client or prospect can be made when creating a new client, but you can convert a prospect to a client (and vice versa) through the actions button on the client page
prospect_converted_at Prospect converted date The date that the prospect was converted at 26/07/2021 Date/Time
value Value The clients estimated/expected value 1000000 Number
entity_name "Business Name" or "Trust Name" or "Joint Name / Reference" The full name of the entity being imported Solutions LTD String (Text) Only to be used when importing entities. Joints/Trusts/Businesses
next_review_date Next Review Date The date of the clients next scheduled review 13/05/2023 Date/Time
previous_review_date Previous Review Date The date of the clients most recent review 13/05/2022 Date/Time
anniversary_review_date Anniversary Date The clients anniversary review date 13/05/2020 Date/Time
address_1 Address The first line of the clients address 18 Nowhere Street String (Text)
address_2 Address The second line of the clients address (optional) String (Text)
address_3 Address The third line of the clients address (optional) String (Text)
address_4 Address The fourth line of the clients address (optional) String (Text)
town_city Address The town/city of the address Something Town String (Text)
county Address The county of the address Oxfordshire String (Text)
postcode Address The postcode of the address W10 4RA String (Text)
country Address The county of the address United Kingdom String (Text)
owners Significant Contacts In the instance of a joint/trust/business client this field is used for thevthe UUID's of the clients the make up the entity 4308c6fe-513d-4334-a7ec-9cc0e082d5e4,4308c6fe-513d-4334-a7ec-9cc0e082d5e4 String (Text) Needs to be comma separated.

Data Types

Field Options
type individual
title Mr
Air Commodore
Air Vice Marshall
Flight Lieutenant
Group Captain
Lance Corporal
Lieutenant Colonel
Lieutenant Commander
Major General
Rear Admiral
Reverend Doctor
Right Honourable
Right Honorable Lord
Right Reverend
Second Lieutenant
Squadron Leader
Staff Sergeant
Surgeon Captain
The Earl Of
The Honourable
The Reverend Canon
Very Reverend
Wing Commander